Your home needs constant care to be in top condition at all times. When you decide that it is time to look around the home and start fixing up any damage, it is advisable to start slow and work in sections.
Sectioning each maintenance task is the easiest way to maintain your home. Put aside a few hours every week to do the job for select days of the week. Dedicating time to do this will ensure that your house looks neat and organized all the time.
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Here is what your maintenance checklist should include;
Weekly Maintenance
Make sure that the emphasis is on the key features of the home, as that makes it possible to do the tasks the right way. You could start by vacuuming everything and then running a mop across your floor. You will get rid of any surface-level issues in the home.
Take time to work on your bathroom as well. You can use a Zip-It tool to clean the drain and remove my trapped hair. Next, work on the tiles that are damaged, then move on to the tub. If you have any appliances, rub them with a clean cloth. If you have enough time, clean each appliance separately as it is more effective.
Monthly Home Maintainance
To focus fully on the monthly maintenance tasks, it is best to select a day of the month when you can do the tasks uninterrupted.
The tasks may include;
Cleaning your filter and range hood
Cleaning and replacing the furnace filter if necessary. It will help to keep your costs down.
Checking whether your smoke detectors are working properly. If the batteries are dead, replace them.
Polishing any wooden furniture, light fixtures, and baseboards
Ensuring that the fire extinguisher is fully charged
Inspecting the home for issues that can cause damage to the home such as damaged roofing materials, insect nests, overgrown trees, or shrubbery.
Spotting the issues early on will enable you to take care of them before they worsen.
Annual Home Maintenance
Now comes the time to focus on the maintenance tasks that need to be done every year. They may include;
Washing your windows and window screens to ensure that there is enough sunlight in the house.
Organising your garage, basement, and attic.
Working on any necessary outdoor project that can improve the home such as installing a new fence, building a patio, installing a concrete driveway.
Cleaning the gutters, removing shrubbery around the home and pruning overgrown trees.
Cleaning all the rooms in the house and repainting any walls that need it.
Replacing old curtains and moving/re-arranging the furniture
These are the tasks that will have a remarkable impact on how your house looks and will also add considerable value to your property. When it comes to annual maintenance tasks, you should give yourself enough time to go around the property and take note of what needs to be done. Additionally, you should look into storage options near you as you may need to store old items that you do not use but are not yet ready to sell.
In most cases, you will need to focus on specific projects for specific days. You should do the same tasks at the same time each year to get worthy results. Work by finding specific changes that need to be made, then moving on to the less important ones.
Doing this will ensure that you get better results and that the process of home maintenance will proceed as planned.