Benefits of Accounting Services for Companies

Business Plan

Every effort cannot be separated from the counting business or financial problems. The finances referred to here are capital, profits or losses.

Companies with a small, medium or large scale are always related in terms of accounting in managing their funds. Large companies even have to hire and have accounting consultants to conduct company financial audits.

Before discussing further about accounting services, it would be better if you know more about its meaning. Accounting can be defined from two points of view, namely from the point of view of the wearer and the process of its activities.

From the user’s point of view, accounting can be defined as a discipline that provides quantitative information of economic entities (enterprises) especially those of a financial nature and is intended to be useful in the making of economic decisions, and in determining choices among a series of alternative actions that exist. Meanwhile, when viewed from the point of view of the process of its activities, accounting can be defined as a process of recording, classifying, reporting, reporting and analyzing the financial data of an organization (company).

About Accounting Services

Accounting services are people or legal entities engaged in accounting services whose job is to assist the company in auditing the course of the company’s finances.

Services provided by accounting consultants include Bookkeeping Services, Financial Statement Compilation Services, Management Services, Management Accounting, Management Consulting, Taxation Services, and Agreed Procedure Services for Financial Information. All these types of assistance are obtained by the company from a person or legal entity of an accounting consultancy.

Accounting Consultant Service Users

Parties who usually need the services of an accounting consultant are not only companies. However, there are also individual businesses, cooperatives, foundations, legal entities in the form of capital partnerships such as limited liability companies, communitarian partnerships, firms and business entities whose capital is owned by the government and companies. In addition, there are several types of businesses that require the services of an account consultant such as:

Service Company

Almost all service fields in Hongkong require accounting consultants to conduct audits of their finances. Starting from construction services, advertising services, to the media, it requires accounting consultants needed to help the running of services and businesses that are run.

Trading Company

Trading companies also need the services of accounting consultants even though they already have employees who are in charge of managing financial affairs. The duties of an accounting consultant in this case are very specific in the field of accounting and management so that the company’s financial management can be carried out more professionally.


Industries or manufacturing companies that convert raw goods into finished goods also need the services of accounting consultants. Accounting consultants here play a role in making various kinds, financial reports needed by various industries.

Duties of Accounting Consultant Services

The duties of an accounting consultant include:

Legality aspects: have a legal umbrella that is recognized by the community and related institutions so as to provide trust and also a sense of security for parties who use consulting services.

Standard and quality aspects: as a control tool in maintaining the quality of accounting consultant services.

Aspects of professionalism: maintaining competence and professionalism in providing services in the field of accounting.

Integrity aspect: providing accounting services according to the agreed code of ethics.

Supervisory aspect: there is supervision of the accounting consultant’s work by the designated side.

Benefits of Using the Services of an Accounting Consultant

With various tasks and also roles performed by accounting consultants, there are many benefits and advantages that you get when using the services of an accounting consultant, namely:

The credibility and correctness of the company’s financial statements will be high because they are in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards.

Financial perception will be good because it is handled by a credible and professional accountant.

There is no difficulty in making financial statements because they are handled directly by experts.

Business can run smoothly because finances are neat and accountable.

Good and appropriate financial statements can be used as a reference in obtaining investors.

Companies do not need to find employees who work a lot in the field of accounting because this field has been handled by an accountant, which of course can save company expenses.

The company gets financial statements that actually show the state of the company so that it is safe and comfortable.

The company’s confidentiality is more guaranteed because accounting consultants work in accordance with the code of ethics.