Domains vs URLs: Are They Same?

Business News

The world of domain hosting has a few concepts that can cause a bit of confusion. Domain names and URLs are often used interchangeably, assuming they mean the same thing. These two are distinctive topics in the domain world and crucial for your website’s identity.

The difference between a domain and a URL is that one refers to a single page on a website (URL), and the other refers to a collection of web pages that make up your website (domain). Understanding these nuances between domain names and URLs will help you comprehend the digital world better.

In this blog, we discuss the difference between domain and URL.

Domain vs URL: Definitions

●       Domain Name

Websites on the Internet are identified using a unique IP address, which is a string of digits. However, these digits are not human-friendly, cannot be memorised and are difficult to enter accurately in search engines.

A domain name is a transcripted form of this IP address that can be easily read and memorised by a human. The domain name system (DNS) records and remembers your website under its IP address.

So when a website user enters your website’s domain name, the DNS sends your IP address to the search engines, leading the user to your website.

●       Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

The uniform resource locator, i.e., the URL, is also a transcript of your IP address but in a little more detail. URL specifies a definite location on your website. When the user reaches your website and navigates through it, they leave the home page and reach the inner pages of the website.

In a URL, the specifications of those web pages can be seen in addition to the domain name.

Difference Between Domain Name and URL With Examples

1.      Example of a Domain Name

.com = top-level domain (TLD)

myybusiness = second-level domain (SLD)

2.     Example of URL

https = protocol = domain name

blogposts = path

This URL signifies that you are on the blog posts section of the “myybusiness” website.

Domain Name vs URL: Differences in Features

ParametersDomain NameUniform Resource Locator
DefinitionA domain name is the homepage or main address of a website.A URL denotes the complete address to a specific location on the website.
PurposeUsed to simplify the process of memorising a website’s address. Also great for branding and marketing purposes.The primary purpose of a URL is to help a user navigate to a specific resource.
StructureA domain primarily has two parts: TLD and SLD.URL, on the other hand, includes a domain name, a path and a protocol. As you can see, a domain name is part of a URL.
SEO ImplicationsA short, relevant and purposeful domain name is SEO-friendly.It is possible to modify website URLs to enhance the search engine ranking of a certain page.

Summing it Up!

As we have established, there are a few major differences between domain and URL. However, they serve a similar purpose, and that is to simplify user experience and navigation through the World Wide Web. Understanding the difference between domain and URL can help you better manage your digital presence and enhance it.